yes!i'm indeed feel so bad and angry about this!ak x taw laa dah bpe kali ak explain psal bnde nie .. FYI, Mr. Google nie x gi skolah!even though Google is a technology made by humans, but it still has his flaws!nothing can be perfect in this world .. even ade org kate yg there's a few people who are 'perfectionist', but they'll NEVER reach perfection!
yg korg keco2 psal pkataan 'MAMA' tuh asal??bile die capital letter, it doesn't mean yg meaning die tuh besa sgt!come on laa!korg nie KPOPers!x kn laa x tgk K-drama or variety shows???if you guys translate the meaning directly from Google Translate .. mmg sah2 laa die jdi mcm tu!i'm sorry to say this .. but only people who SUCKS in English jee yg gune Google Translate!the grammar is a mess!!
'MAMA' is a Korean word for 'Your Highness' .. it symbolizes US as HUMANS!!try to think outside the box, bole x???die buat capital letter sbb nk bg kite nie SEDAR yg dorg ckp psal manusia NOWADAYS!my suggestions are :
1. try to be more creative to understand the meaning of a song.
2. don't trust something so easily .. or you'll fall for the trap
3. siasat dlu sblum buat conclusion ..
4. cube laa jdi bseni skit .. pkai akal fikiran yg ALLAH S.W.T da bg kat kite
i'm sorry if my post offended anyone .. ak just da x tahan org ckp bnde2 mcm nie kat EXO .. kalo nk blame pon, blame the songwriters!not them .. urghh!!ak da nk nages da taip bnde nie!ak harap lps nie da x de pihak yg nk persoalkn psal lgu MAMA nie .. korg nk kate ak bajet bgos n bajet terror english??well, i've NEVER got LOWER than B for my English since elementary school!and i used to get awarded as the best student in English in my school .. other than that, i'm also an ex-TESLian (Teaching English as A Second Language). korg pon nk kate ak bajet bseni??well, i've studied literature since i was in form 1 until during my foundation program!i know how to judge a lyric's deep meaning!plus, i think outside the box!ak x bniat pun nk blagak bgos kat sini .. i'm just stating the fact!
i think 'MAMA' is a very unique song as it is full with messages and advice on how should we do with our lives nowadays!Due to the development of technology, human are not communicating by meeting the eyes!they ask US, to change this!this song is criticizing US as we depend on technology too much to communicate!
i hope korg sedar yg lgu nie x bwk pape mkne buruk pon!ak x rase EXO taw psal bnde nie .. they just do what the company asks them to!so please, DON'T BLAME EXO!!