i found this on FB .. yes!he's an anti-KPOP!meh sini ak nk balas SATU PER SATU bahas ko!
1. you feel annoyed when some bloggers put songs on auto-play
- well, that's their choice!kalo ko x suke, gi jahanam laa ko!bsing plak!
2. you feel more annoyed when the auto-played songs are KPOP songs
- they just want to share their interest with you. is it wrong???
3. you said you're 'allergic' with KPOP songs
- WTF laa bro!wa x kaco lu punye favorite artists!
4. You're not jealous with their cuteness, but you're disgusted with it!
- mmpos ko laa, bro!ade ak kesa!well, i'm sorry that they're handsome and you're not!
5. their songs are not that good, their vocals are not as power as Amy Search, Awie Wings, Bruno Mars etc.
- everyone has their own preference!you don't have the right to judge KPOP like that!weii, bengap!cube ko imagine kalo Amy Search ngan Awie nyanyi lgu pop .. NIGHTMARE laa weih!ak mmg laa minat gilee nagn KPOP .. ingat ak x taw ke lgu2 Amy Search sume??gi karok ak tarik gak suare ak nyanyi Fantasia Bulan Madu ngan Sejati!walawei!skali ko kluar Bruno Mars .. Kyungsoo from EXO-K is a big fan of him taw!
6. You prefer listening to NASYID compared to KPOP
- perghh!ingat ak x dgr lgu2 nasyid???i grew up with nasyid songs!your argument is not valid!
7. You don't know why us, the Malay girls, like KPOP so much. You think we like them bcoz of their cuteness
- ko ingat kami nie bute seni ke??hello!sukati laa kitorg nk minat artis pe pon!kitorg minat sbb bakat .. they can dance, sing and compose songs as the Western artists too!kire bonus laa dorg ensem and cute .. bukan x nk minat artis local .. take a look at our local artists!prangai mngalahkn org barat .. GELI AK TGK, KO TAW??!!!
knape ak minat KPOP :
1. lgu2 dorg best and ikut trend.
2. dorg mnari .. smpai kitorg pun nk ikot (which is a good exercise to us!)
3. suare dorg .. BEST!ingat snang ke nk crik org yg bole nyanyi live + dance dlm mse yg sme??!!
4. dorg ensem or cute tu kire bonus laa ..
5. dorg jge adab .. mmg laa x sume .. but better than artist2 barat and maybe some of our local artists ..
6. language dorg lain dr kite .. ak bole ckp 3 language taw!ko ade???
and FYI, byk artis korea yg da debut kat Jepun, China and USA .. so x yah nk bengang2 ngan dorg sgt!
8. the fuck??!!you're using SHINee as the example photo!and you said they're 'BENGKOK'??
- DAFUQ laa, bro!ak pminat SHINee #1 taw!ko jgn brani ckp dorg 'bengkok'!FYI, dorg mmg laa rmai fans pompuan .. tp ade jee fanboys dorg!gamba yg ko pkai tuh time dorg umo belasan taun lg laa, bodo!mmg laa nmpak cute!nk tgk dorg yg skrg???
hah!dorg nmpak 'bengkok' ke dlm gamba nie??bukak mate ko besa2 .. tgk betol2!!ak mmg ckup pantang kalo org ktuk2 artis yg ak suke!
9. You saw some boys watch Korean drama on their fb status
- so what???!!weird??gay???ape .. drama korea plakon die binatang ke??mnusia gak laa weiyh!ingat x de artis korea yg blakon citer jepun??ak lyan jee sume drama .. even drama THAILAND pon ak tgk!adik ak minat gak drama korea, tegap jee!ensem lg die dr ko!rmai jee pompuan minat die .. you're too biased laa, bro!better keep it down or you'll die in KPOPers' hands!
10. You knew SNSD!
- DAFUQ???!!you said you hate KPOP, but yet you knew SNSD .. you like to see them bcoz they're pretty, right??!!so, sape ko nk judge kitorg kalo kitorg minat KPOP sbb dorg cute??!!cakap mcm cibai .. ade hati nk ckp org!FYI, the guys' picture that you said 'bengkok' tuh is Girls' Generation's junior!they're from the same company!
11. You really hate it when there's Malay group yg tiru style KPOP
- the ONE and ONLY thing that i agree with you!ak pon x suke tgk dorg tiru style KPOP!ewww!nk muntah 100 baldi pon x ckup!to me, no one can be like KPOP .. KPOP is VERY different!even Justin Bieber can't be like them! (sorry Beliebers)
p/s: yes, that's you thought!and this mine for you!ak pon x heran laa kalo ko mmg benci tahap gaban ngaan KPOP .. like you said, 'AKU TAK KACAU PUN MAKBAPAK KORANG' .. ko bole x ade manner skit??!!jgn nk libatkn mak bapak!kuang aja sgt nie pehal??!!pkir skit org yg x de mak bapak yg bace post ko!plz don't be too senseless .. ko ade otak, kn??tolong pkai yee .. jgn buat aksesori jee dlm kpale ko tuh!spe yg pkse ko minat KPOP??ko yg mnggelabah tlebih!blagak nk mati!kitorg x de mcanang "weyh!minat laa KPOP!best gileee .."!ade kitorg ckp cmtu kat ko??ayat mcm cibai!sblum ak sakit ati lg, baik ak ttup coretan ak kat sini!
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