Saturday 1 December 2012

my MAMA 2012 moments!


smlm mrupekn antara mlm yg pling unforgettable to me ..
time some kpoppers tgk via streaming kat computer, ak dgn sronoknye tgk kat tv on channel M 181!
ak tgk muke2 EXO like in freakin' HD!
even though lmbat 5 mnit .. hahaha
many unexpected things yg jdi at Mnet Asia Music Awards a.k.a MAMA

1. EXO-K vs B.A.P for Best New Artist Male, who wins??

and the answer is .... BUSKER BUSKER!!LOLOLOL~~~mule2 ak agak mental breakdown laa tgk result die .. like OMG!totally unexpected!punye laa BABYS and EXOTICS gado2 bgai .. skali BUSKER BUSKER yg mnang!


2. EXO's special stage performance

their performances are like THE BEST!!!EXO-K & EXO-M wore red and black to show their contrast!
the theme, time travelling!!!!

start dr EXO perform MAMA (LOL xD perform MAMA on MAMA stage!!) .. dgn kehenseman tahap mlampau dr dorg, start from EXO-M and trus direct to dance break and face off!mule2 ak bengang gak laa dorg potong lgu tuh .. skali ade surprise lg!

THEY PERFORMED H.O.T'S WARRIOR DESCENDANT!!tribute for drama Reply 1997 :) after all, they are travelling time kn??hahaha xD


Mirotic crew: Kris, Kai, Sehun, Tao, Xiumin & Baekhyun (Baekhyun's high note!!asdfghjkl....!!!!)
Lucifer crew: Chanyeol, D.O., Suho, Lay, Luhan & Chen (Chen's version: Her whisper is the Lushifer LOL~)

totally mind blowingly awesome these performances!! *arghhh!can't stop fangirling!!*

3. Fanwars

mcm yg ak dh habaq kat ats nie, EXO-K and B.A.P due2 x mnang .. but B.A.P dpt Mnet PD's Choice Award .. well, better than nothing laa kn ..

at first, ak seriously ingat EXO-K x mnang ape2 .. skali ade plak satu award bname 'Best New Asian Artist' award .. and EXO won it!not as 6, but as OT12!!the best moment EVER!! xD

so proud of my boys T.T 1 planet, 2 sub units, 1 mini album, 3 MVs, 6 songs and no comeback .. but managed to get 4 awards in their palms!how i can be not proud of that??!!

so i hope the fanwars will come to an end and let's live happilly at Planet Matoki and EXOPLANET :)

4. Just EXO

seriously i can't take my eyes of them .. even there's Suju, SHINee and Big Bang in front of them, my boys are so shining that i can only see them T.T on the red carpet, they really fitted Into Your World (Angel)'s concept .. in the white suits, they're like the HOTTEST at the award!and more, i can't take my eyes over him, Park Chanyeol ..

he looks super cute and adorable!the best dresser among EXO members! >.< (sorry my beau D.O.)

all in all, this is the best MAMA i've EVER watched!and the highlight, of course EXO's special stage!!\\

the upper one during EXO-M won the rookie award back in China. The lower pic is during MAMA 2012 in Hong Kong! xD

sexy Baekkie with his beautiful fingers performing 'Mirotic'!


Wednesday 28 November 2012

Goo Hara's Secret Love, Yang Yoseob's Caffeine & Nicole's Lost

1. Goo Hara's Secret Love

okay, ak bru prasan lgu nie sbnrnye .. hahaha xD lgu nie sort of revenge from Hara to her boyfriend, BEAST's Junhyung (p/s: ini imaginasi blogger shj!) nnt later, korg tgk MV Caffeine and korg akn pham why ak ckp mcm nie .. bg ak, Hara seriously x bole nyanyi .. but lgu nie not bad laa .. cute and totally style yg ak suke (for girl group laa) .. even better, the hottest guy among k-idols is here in the MV!!x lain x bukan ialah, ZE:A's Im Siwan!!super hensem budak nie .. kekeke >.< tgk die mnari kat ending MV nie .. alahai, comel banget~~~

All in all, double thumbs up for the song and MV!

2. Yang Yoseob's Caffeine

after Kim Sung Kyu with 60 seconds .. this guy is the 2nd idol yg gerak solo .. skit bio psal die:

name: Yang Yoseob
hangul: 양요섭
position: main vocalist and the 1st soloist from BEAST (c'mon, get a life kalo korg x knal BEAST!)
nickname: fake maknae, thomas (nie je yg ak taw!)

time MV nie kluar, #TeamBiniBiniYoseob sume stok mroyan sbb die pnye kiss scene!prasaan nk baling cawan kopi btubi2 kat die sgt bkobar2 dlm hati .. LOL xD tp lgu nie dpt review yg super duper baik!reasons:

1. lgu nie written by Yong Junhyung @ Joker, BEAST's rapper and the richest member!
2. MV yg buat kite rse nk tgelak sbb tgk die gado mcm budak 5 taun mrah x dpt candies .. LOL xD (he's 90-line FYI!)

dlm MV nie, junhyung pun semak2 skali nk 'lovey dovey' dgn pompuan lain which leads to Hara's Secret Love .. Hara pun sebok laa 'lovey dovey' dgn Siwan .. kekeke >.< (reminder: ini just IMAGINASI blogger!) .. ak mmg always Yoseobbie's voice lover!suare die mmg one in a million :)

3. Nicole's Lost

okay, lgu nie sumpah best gilee!double thumbs up + adek ak pnye skali!LOLOLOL~sgt sexy and sad .. Jong Suk pun ade!!kyaaahhhhhh~~ *fangirling mode* sweet gilee evn though ending die sedih .. but ak x pham .. why state 'feat 2AM Jinwoon' if die skdr mcm suare back up jee??x stand out pun Jinwoon pnye suare .. kan best kalo MV nie feat Jinwoon and main actor Key??hahaha .. but Key is too busy with SMTOWN and Japan promotions T.T

Overall, ak recommend 3 lgu nie utk korg!enjoy~~~


Monday 26 November 2012

to Raja Anis Munirah who i love so much ..

unnie dpt mcj awk .. tp sorry, x de kedit nk bls ..

thank you sgt2 for comforting me ..
you always there when i have no one to lay on ..
even though kite knal through online and never met yet ..
but i feel a very strong connection between us ..
unnie bsyukur sgt2 sbb dpt knal dgn anis ..
i don't know what will i be if i haven't known you ..
you're the best online dongsaeng i've ever had in my life ..
thank you for existing and always there for me ..

smoge friendship kite kekal smpai Al-Jannah :)