Wednesday 20 June 2012

once a hater, always a hater!

i found this when i was trolling at Google!

urmm .. serioulsy bitch?!don't you dare to be Suju's fan if you hate EXO!just get the fuck off away from SM artists!Suju will freakin' HATE you to be their fan!

well, i'm sorry that he's HOT!!and you're just a whore!

if you hate EXO, just get the fuck off and search for something known as .. LIFE!!

but as always, EXO fans' answers would be:



Tuesday 19 June 2012

the family that i loved :)

while i was trolling on my lovely aunt's FB account (sorry mama :P) i found some old pictures of my family .. let me show you guys ..

i don't remember the photos' occasions though .. =.="

i'm the one in red with that BIG EYES O__O (D.O style!!) i'm cute, right??kekeke .. there's my cousins, which are Kak Qila, Atiqa, Abg Apit and Qamareena, and my sisters, Bella and Bebe. hee~i don't know how old i am that time!but what's for sure, I'M CUTE!!

i'm the baby!!kekeke XD my late mom is the one in red scarf .. awww!i missed her so much :'( somebody was celebrating his/her 2nd birthday .. well, i guess it's me!

i think this was taken during my aunt's wedding (auntie noor) .. i'm not sure who's the boy is .. but i can tell who's those cute flower girls!from left: my eldest sister, Kak Ina, Kak Qila and Kak Erin .. the girl in the middle is veeeee~rrryyy white!the 'baekgu' in our family .. kekeke XD

this was taken during our family vacation at .... i don't know where =.=" .. but it's in Malaysia for sure!my late mom was the one who was holding the camera .. she was pregnant my younger brother during that time .. ithink!aigoo~Bebe (my younger sister) looked so ... SMALL!!and Bella (my elder sister) looked so .. HYPER!!

this is my uncle .. he was hugged by his children, Abg Ijat, Abg Apit and Kak Qila .. i call him as 'Papa' since i call his wife 'Mama' .. kekeke XD he really loves kids!

this was during my cousin's birthday .. i can see Kak Ina, Bella and my grandmother, Datin Asiah (well, according to my aunt!) .. heee~i think they were celebrating Abg Apit's birthday .. and Bella's too!their birth date is the same .. 5/9 ..

this is Sezali's children picture .. the girl who has the eye-smile and dimple is NOT a Chinese!she's a Malay .. aww~~they're so cute and pretty in this picture .. hakhakhak XD

this was taken during Father's Day a few years ago .. i can see my late grandfather in this picture :) what a happy family ...

this is my cousins!!well, not all of them .. we're having a bowling tournament which i lost TERRIBLY!!it was why i hate bowling .. UNTIL NOW!kekeke .. we're wearing black and white during that day .. it's a beautiful memory .. but the tournament .. NIGHTMARE!!

i only have these so far .. i'll ask my aunt if she has a picture of our BIG family .. hee~i love you all!!!

p/s: sori mama!amek without your permission .. kekeke XD


Monday 18 June 2012

my other obsession .. aside from KPOP!

i am SO ADDICTED TO KPOP!but i also addicted to something else ..

my family called me and my sisters' bedroom as 'Library' .. you'll see why :)


yes!i really like to read novels .. but these are only 2/3 from our collection!my late mom loved to buy novels .. after she left us, we decided to continue her 'legacy' and collect lots of it!hee~


COMICS!!!!we all LOVE COMICS!!!!we used to have lots of it .. but after some IRRESPONSIBLE people borrowed them, some of those were DAMAGED and even worse, LOST!!!only these survived in this cruel world .. kekeke XD

i have more obsessions actually .. but i'll save it for later!ppyong~!


My Father's Day Celebration ..

Yesterday, we celebrated Father's Day!but it's not happening at all bcoz my 2nd sis wasn't there, my makdongie bro was sleepy and 3 of us (me, my yeodongsaeng and namdongsaeng) were quite unhappy yesterday ..

even so, we still happy bcoz my dad did not EXPECT that we'll be celebrating Father's Day with him!

this is my hero:

he's quite different from me, right???i'm more to my late mom's side :)

we just had a veeee~rrryyyy simple event .. but my dad was very happy :D

we just had a tiramisu cake and KFC .. heee~

and this is my father's response:

my father had gone through a hard time raising us, 6 children, by himself ..
i still remember how he had to go here and there to feed us ..
that's why i'll try not to ask him for money bcoz i know it's hard for him to get it ..

my mom passed away when i was 12 ..
i was about to take my UPSR examination that year ..
but thanks to him, i managed to go through my sadness ..
i got straight 'A's for my UPSR ..
my father was very happy for my achievement ..

however, i always makes him angry ..
i know i'm quite stubborn and hard headed ..
but it's me who i can't change in a short time ..
i took after you, i think :)

my aunt told me once that she asked my dad why he didn't let me go to tuition classes ..
he said, "Azie jnis yg steady dgn study die .. die main2 ke, x blaja ke .. result die still bgus!".
i'm so proud when he said that!
i guess i'm just lucky when it comes to studying :)

Message to Ayah:

"Ayah, Azie nk ckp thanks sgt2 sbb jage kitorg baik2 .. you've been through a hard time in these past 7 years .. even though we grew up without a mother's love, but you always there to fill the emptiness left by umie .. i know that we always do wrong things and make you angry, especially me .. i guess we are not ready to be matured yet :P i hope you'll success with your life and please don't leave us .. how can we live without you?i can't imagine even a day without you by our side!always happy and keep smiling .. thank you and i love you forever :)"

(note: my family call me 'Azie' bcoz there's 4 Lina in my house!)