Saturday 8 December 2012

#8MonthsWithEXO + confession

i trend hashtag #8MonthsWithEXO on Twitter ..
well, not exactly 8 months ..
mybe 7 months and few weeks .. heee~

i can't believe i stuck with EXO for that long!
i feel like reminiscing my journey to know EXO ..

M1/M2 codename back in 2011 ..

yes, i knew about these guys since may 2011 .. i'm a SMstan after all!
however, i was head over heels towards SHINee and Infinite during that time ..
so these guys just got forgotten by me :'(

then, this thing came along ..

my unnie who is Kai biased showed me this MV .. it's the 1st time i heard their songs without knowing who they are ..
when i listened to this song, i really think this song is exactly like TVXQ's 'Before U Go' ..
even one of the members sounds A LOT like Shim Changmin!
i asked their fanbase who's the guy that sounds like Changmin ..
they said he's D.O. ..
but as i said before, i got tired of waiting and still crazy for SHINee and Infinite ..
so i didn't really become their fan ..

after 2 weeks since their debut, my Kpop dongsaeng, Ieyra, told me about this group ..
out of curiosity, i watched their MV, MAMA ..

i was scared at first .. it sounds creepy and scary!i couldn't watch the MV during night!
but then, they caught my attention with their voices and dance moves ..
being handsome and hot is an extra package of them >.<
so, i dig EVERYTHING and memorized all 12 members' names in one night!
i even downloaded all their videos, teasers and showcase on that night!
ever since, i really became a fan of them ..

after about a month, suddenly i remembered the M1/M2 codename and What Is Love ..
then i realized, "wow!i've knew them all along but too blind to see them!".
i remembered that i asked about D.O. ..
how i fell for his beautiful voice ..
i can't believe that i like him before i knew him for real!
surprisingly, i fell for the same guy ..
that's why D.O. is very special to me :)

i heard D.O. has the most antis among EXO members ..
i don't care about them ..
if others can't appreciate him, then i can!
i love him so much until to the extend that i want to marry him ..
but i believe it's impossible and will never, ever, ever happen!
i'll just keep my one-sided love to myself ..
people always said, "why are so obsess with him?he doesn't even know you!" to me ..
but i don't care ..
if people ask me who's my 1st love ..
i would say DO KYUNGSOO is the guy ..
if you ask why i like him ..
my answer will be "I DON'T KNOW!"
i just like him .. no special reason ..
no one made me feel like he did to me ..
just seeing him smiling can make me happy ..
when i see people bashing him, i won't just seat and do nothing ..
i'll protect him as much as i can ..

i know i sound like a loner and pathetic ..
but what can i do?
i just love him so much!

to my 1st love, Do Kyungsoo:

annyeong~i'm sure you will never read this .. even though i never met you for real, i just wanna say i love you so much .. how i wished you can be mine .. but i know it's impossible .. we're two worlds apart!you and me can never be one .. but i'll always support you from afar .. you asked me what is love?to me, you are LOVE .. you are the only one who've made me feel like this .. i can't believe i'll actually fall in love for a guy who i know i can never have!but what can i do?feelings can't be forced .. i'll try to erase this feelings towards you .. i'll always be your #1 fan!!fighting~~~!!

lots of love from Malaysia,
lina nazihah


Congrats, Anis ^^

unnie bru bce your blog post ..
sorry for the late congrats ..
i told you that your opportunity will come ..
and here it is ..
science & maths .. even unnie lg low dr awk :'(

anyway, good luck with your new campus life :)
hati2 blaja dkat Sri Iskandar tu ..
there's something about that place that you don't know .. muehehe >:D


Thursday 6 December 2012

Happy Graduation!

Pd 3 Dis 2012 bsamaan hari isnin yg lalu, my big sis, Lina Nabihah, telah officially seorg graduan UiTM Diploma in Business Management. kitorg bgun as early as 5AM sbb nk elakkn jam by the time smpai Shah Alam!sumpah ngantuk!dh laa 2 org jee yg bole msuk :'( ak and adik2 bwh ak tcongok kat khemah dr pkul 7.30 smpai 11 pg nk tggu istiadat konvokesyen die habis!time tgh tggu tu smpat jgak laa mcj2 dgn my dongsaengie, Raja Anis Munirah .. LOL xD walopun ade incident yg jdi, but luckily everything turned out fine :) bangge dowh bile die sbut "Penerima Anugerah Naib Canselor, Lina Nabihah Binti Anuar"! *sbb nme kkak ak lbih kurang jee dgn ak!* dkat screen tv kluar nme die with 3 stars!sume org tepuk .. bangge ak tgk kkak ak dpt ovation dr org lain!die buatkn ak bsemangat nk score gempak2 time degree nnt :)

time for some pics!!

 this is my sis :) the 1st receiver of Vice Chancellor Award from our family .. she struck the Dean's List for 6 semesters a.k.a EVERY SEMESTER during her 3-year diploma program!the bouquet is sponsored by my dad, the mug with a bear is by my aunt and her scarf is MINE!kekeke >.<

nie pulak my 2nd sis :) yeah, she looks so different and younger than me!got that a lot .. LOL xD she's just finished her study in Diploma in Information Management at UiTM Merbok, Kedah. Die amek berkat utk graduation die later next year .. i'm gonna continue my degree with her!!!*terase awesome sbb smbung degree skali dgn kkak2*

and that's me!*tdung huduh skit .. tetibe buat hal!* sbb i'm a foundation student, so no convo for me T.T so i took my sis' robe and wore it as if it's my graduation day!LOL xD selempang pink tu hnye dipakai oleh students yg dpt ANC .. *pdahal abes asasi dlu pointer ckup2 mkn jee!* hopefully ak pun bole dpt anugerah mcm nie bile ak abes degree nnt :) Amin~

and lastly,

this is my family + my aunt's .. mak cik yg pling ak syg .. she's the one who took the role of a mother after my mom passed away .. die always help us with anything since kitorg x bpe pndai sgt bab2 prempuan nie .. LOL XD *cmni laa idop dgn bapa yg bstatus duda beranak 6* super duper syg my aunt, Siti Meriam Binti Idris and her whole family :) *anak2 prempuan die 2 org mrupekn cousins yg pling ak syg!*

my mom passed away when i was almost 12 .. 14/01/2005 .. tarikh yg x mungkin ak lupe smpai bile2 .. on 1.15 AM, my mom breathed her last breath in front of my eyes on the bed at our home. i was sad .. super sad!i was preparing for my UPSR during that year .. it was hard!mcm2 dugaan yg dtg .. sometimes, we only ate sandwich for a month bcoz my dad took no pay leave to take care of us. ye, mmg ak sgt famous dgn msalah suke x buat keje skolah .. but in the end, i managed to score straight As for my UPSR and it shook the whole school! *seriously, no lie!* that's why some people sgt respect my dad. he managed to raise 6 children on his own .. my dad ckp he won't get married anymore, which made people even more salute die!

even though my dad x ckp, i know die sgt2 proud of us!ak ingat lg dlu ayah ak knalkn ak kat kwn die .. his expression full with proud bile die ckp ak smbung asasi at UiTM Shah Alam .. it's bcoz my course susa nk dpt .. kne interview tuh!and more, x sume bole dpt asasi .. to be very honest, my siblings sume matang lg cpt dr usia :)

to my sis:

congrats on your graduation!ko buatkn kitorg sume bngge .. i believe ayah sgt2 bngge bile die citer kat kwn2 die psal achievements kite sume, especially you .. mcm yg kite sume sdar, we are slightly different from other kids .. most of them still ade family yg complete to support them .. but we lost our loved one when we're so young .. but we manage to pull through and succeed with our exams :) keep up with your excellent achievements and always be the one who inspires us!fighting~~~~!!

p/s: sorry pnjang skit :p


Monday 3 December 2012



he/she is an EXOstan .. but only ship EXO11!this bitch HATES KYUNGSOO!!
i know i shouldn't be bothered with antis and haters ..
but i can't just close my eyes when it comes to my baby Kyungsoo ..
he/she calls D.O. "kyungshit" and it really pisses me off!!
more, this spiteful creature said my baby DO KYUNGSOO is useless and ugly!


i only say this once and DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MY WORDS AGAIN!!

to THE bitch:

i really hope that you'll find this post .. i dedicated this entry SPECIALLY for you!be proud of it!i just wanna say few things:

1. don't ever talk bad about my boy!
2. he's pure beauty .. no need for surgery, you blind dimwitted bitch!!
3. he's as important as the others to!
4. he's super perfect!he can sing, dance, rap, beatbox and even cook!
5. if you hate him, then stay away from the rest of EXO!it would be a HUGE embarrassment and disgrace for EXO to have a fan like you!
6. keep the hate to yourself and fuck off from #TeamExotics!!
7. better keep the warnings in your tiny little stupid brain or you'll see how i can ruin your image!