Thursday 9 May 2013

Mother's Day!!!

Assalamualaikum and hello! :D

i just found out that it's Mother's Day yesterday!!
thanks to EXO i know about this! >.<
it's been years since i've celebrated Mother's day ..
since i didn't celebrate it .. let me share with you about my late mom :)

Her name's Ruhaina Binti Nyata. She's from Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. She studied at USM in Pharmacy and was a great mother during her lifetime. My relatives said i resemble my mom the most .. but i don't know .. never thought of it!lol xD She passed when i'm 11 going 12, during my UPSR year ..

Even though she has gone, she never left my mind. Her face, her eyes, her voice .. i still remember them .. Even though she's no longer here, but she's always alive in my heart ..

Since ummi passed away, my Mother's Day greeting goes to my aunts .. All of them are great and always give the love me and my siblings has lost .. The emptiness left by ummi is not fully filled by them .. At least, a part of the hole is filled with their love .. thank you to all of you, my lovely aunts :)

And more .. i've never said this before .. It's for my late aunt, Siti Aminah .. She passed away when i was in form 5 .. Before she gone, she thought i hated her .. But it's not true!She's played a role of a mother to me when i was in form 4 .. My home and the hostel are quite far .. So i went to my aunt's house every 2 weeks .. i spent most of my time there .. How i wished i could tell you how much i love you .. i guess it's too late .. i'll express my love to you in my prayers :)

All in all, i love you all!! :3 May Allah S.W.T bless you and have a happy life! xD


Sunday 31 March 2013

my bias list wrecker, B.A.P!

aside from EXO .. ak minat B.A.P jgak ..
for those yg x knal B.A.P ..

- means Best.Absolute.Perfect
- consists of 6 members: Bang Yongguk, Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jongup & Choi Junhong
- their concept is 6 warriors from Planet Mato who came to invade the Earth. Each of them has their own matoki.
- their strongest rival: EXO from EXOPLANET!!
- held their 1st overseas showcase in MALAYSIA!!
more info: ask Mr Google or Mr Wiki :)

Debut MV


2nd MV


3rd MV


4th MV


6th MV


7th MV


8th MV


byk gilee kn??hahaha ..
lgu fav ak .... SUME???LOLOLOL~~
tp ak pling suke lgu nie ..

B.A.P - Coma from 'ONE SHOT'

lgu nie mndayu2 .. 
suare daehyun~~~ *melts*
dgn rap yongguk and junhong yg awesome tu~~ *died*
hahaha xD

ohh .. my bias in this group is Jung Daehyun!
well .. he used to >.<
skrg ak lg minat si Choi Junhong a.k.a Zelo, the maknae yg mude 3 taun dr ak! OTL

mianhae, daehyun-ah~ :'(

Friday 15 February 2013

Sexy (?), Free but Not Single

LOLOLOLOL~~my post title xD

well .. i'm just wanna share my happiness with you guys ..
finally .. in 2013 .. at the age of 20 ..
i managed to escape from my 'Forever Alone' title!! *throws confetti*
sape kate kalo minat KPOP x de org minat??
ak dh buktikan kat dunia yg assumption tu salah sme skali!

The lucky guy is ..

Name: Asyraf bin Azman
D.O.B: 31/12/1991
Other infos: He's Running Man and Big Bang's fan :) sorry .. no pictures of him yet ..

i met him when i did a part-time job at AEON AU2, Setiawangsa .. i knew him as he's also in my department but under different section .. i always with him and helped him as i always 'begged' for jobs at his section .. manager kitorg slalu bahan2 kitorg .. tp kitorg buat bodo jee .. lps ak bhenti keje bru die bgtaw .. hampeh btol!kalo ak taw .. ak x bhenti awal!hmmmmmm ..

hari tu ak tnye die .. 

[Me] : Since when awk minat sye??
[Asyraf] : Sejak hari ptame awk msuk keje .. time awk tolong kitorg psang hardtag ..

lps tu ak mcm 'WTH??!!' .. mknenye dh sbulan lebih die minat kat ak!huuuuuu~ak syok kat die pun lmbat lg .. hahahaha xD yg x mnahan .. spupu ak yg usya die dlu .. tau2 ak yg dpt die .. LOLOLOLOL~

lps ak couple dgn die .. which is ak sndri x taw since when .. bru ak taw btape comelnyee die .. die sgt manje and kuat jealous .. yg x bole blah, die jealous over kpop!just sbb ak gurau dgn die yg kpop #1 and die #1.5 .. smpai skrg die asyik ungkit .. hahaha xD

ak x nk citer lbih2 lg .. just nk tinggalkn message jee utk die :)

To: Asyraf

Awk .. thanks sbb sudi syg dri sye yg serba serbi buruk nie .. Sye syg awk sgt2 .. Smoge hubungan kite kekal smpai bile2 .. Sye harap awk bole tggu sye smpai sye abis blaja .. Mcm yg sye dh ckp sblum nie .. Sye crik hubungan yg serious .. Sye harap awk pun serious dgn hubungan nie .. Bia laa org nk kate ape pun .. Sye tetap syg awk and terima dri awk seadanya .. Mcm mne awk terima kekurangan sye, mcm tu jugak laa sye terima kekurangan awk .. Lastly, awk rajin2 laa dtg mlawat sye bile sye smbung blaja nnt :) saranghaeyo, nae wangjanim~~yeongwonhi ...

Lots of love,
Lina Nazihah

okay .. smpai sni jee ak nk tulis .. hopefully my boy nie xkn bce post nie!malu~~~~ >///<