Monday 19 November 2012

60 Seconds with Kim Sungkyu and Kim Myungsoo

akhirnye, MV solo Granpa Gyu dh kluar!!!!

kekeke xD nie MV tsebut:

thank you Woollim sajang-nim sbb release MV nie!

simple briefing if ade yg x taw spe pak cik gyu nie :

name: Kim Sunggyu
hangul: 김성규
nickname: granpa gyu, bottom gyu, patient gyu, hamster etc. (byk sgt .. x larat nk tulis)

1. he's the leader of one of the best Kpop group, Infinite. (don't be too lazy to search for Infinite)
2. he has the SMALLEST eyes among idols .. kekeke xD
3. twitter beliau ialah @kyuzizi .. kalo ade yg ter'fall in love' dgn die, bole laa follow yee :)

MV kat atas nie tjuk die '60 Seconds' or '60 초' dlm Korean .. 

MV nie best gilee sbb:

1. hamster gyu nmpak hot gilee ngan rmbut merah beliau yg mnyerlah x ingat tuh~
2. L sgt ensem dlm MV nie walopun die all black .. (even payung pun itam -.-;)
3. perlu reason lg ke??MV nie mmg awesome sgt2!hahaha xD

walopun ade #TeamBiniBiniMyungsoo and #TeamInspiritGila mngalami 'menbung' tahap mlampau sbb Myungsoo kiss pipi minah tuh, tp ak still enjoy MV nie .. mnagis jgak laa skejap .. haha .. tp mmandangkn ak bukan #TeamBiniBiniMyungsoo, ak pun cool je laa .. heuheuheu~~ *pdhal dlm kpale dh tarik2 rmbut minah tuh smpai botak!!*

anyway, lgu nie sgt baik utk kesihatan bg sesape yg tgh frust or putus chenta kat luar tu ..
hayati lgu nie and for sure korg mnangis punye laa ..
x pham hamster nie ckp pe??
plz rajin2kn dri crik english translate die yee :)

btw, ak x dgr lg lgu2 yg lain dlm 'Another Me' .. so jgn tnye yee .. hihihi :3


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