Monday 18 June 2012

my other obsession .. aside from KPOP!

i am SO ADDICTED TO KPOP!but i also addicted to something else ..

my family called me and my sisters' bedroom as 'Library' .. you'll see why :)


yes!i really like to read novels .. but these are only 2/3 from our collection!my late mom loved to buy novels .. after she left us, we decided to continue her 'legacy' and collect lots of it!hee~


COMICS!!!!we all LOVE COMICS!!!!we used to have lots of it .. but after some IRRESPONSIBLE people borrowed them, some of those were DAMAGED and even worse, LOST!!!only these survived in this cruel world .. kekeke XD

i have more obsessions actually .. but i'll save it for later!ppyong~!


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