Saturday 8 December 2012

#8MonthsWithEXO + confession

i trend hashtag #8MonthsWithEXO on Twitter ..
well, not exactly 8 months ..
mybe 7 months and few weeks .. heee~

i can't believe i stuck with EXO for that long!
i feel like reminiscing my journey to know EXO ..

M1/M2 codename back in 2011 ..

yes, i knew about these guys since may 2011 .. i'm a SMstan after all!
however, i was head over heels towards SHINee and Infinite during that time ..
so these guys just got forgotten by me :'(

then, this thing came along ..

my unnie who is Kai biased showed me this MV .. it's the 1st time i heard their songs without knowing who they are ..
when i listened to this song, i really think this song is exactly like TVXQ's 'Before U Go' ..
even one of the members sounds A LOT like Shim Changmin!
i asked their fanbase who's the guy that sounds like Changmin ..
they said he's D.O. ..
but as i said before, i got tired of waiting and still crazy for SHINee and Infinite ..
so i didn't really become their fan ..

after 2 weeks since their debut, my Kpop dongsaeng, Ieyra, told me about this group ..
out of curiosity, i watched their MV, MAMA ..

i was scared at first .. it sounds creepy and scary!i couldn't watch the MV during night!
but then, they caught my attention with their voices and dance moves ..
being handsome and hot is an extra package of them >.<
so, i dig EVERYTHING and memorized all 12 members' names in one night!
i even downloaded all their videos, teasers and showcase on that night!
ever since, i really became a fan of them ..

after about a month, suddenly i remembered the M1/M2 codename and What Is Love ..
then i realized, "wow!i've knew them all along but too blind to see them!".
i remembered that i asked about D.O. ..
how i fell for his beautiful voice ..
i can't believe that i like him before i knew him for real!
surprisingly, i fell for the same guy ..
that's why D.O. is very special to me :)

i heard D.O. has the most antis among EXO members ..
i don't care about them ..
if others can't appreciate him, then i can!
i love him so much until to the extend that i want to marry him ..
but i believe it's impossible and will never, ever, ever happen!
i'll just keep my one-sided love to myself ..
people always said, "why are so obsess with him?he doesn't even know you!" to me ..
but i don't care ..
if people ask me who's my 1st love ..
i would say DO KYUNGSOO is the guy ..
if you ask why i like him ..
my answer will be "I DON'T KNOW!"
i just like him .. no special reason ..
no one made me feel like he did to me ..
just seeing him smiling can make me happy ..
when i see people bashing him, i won't just seat and do nothing ..
i'll protect him as much as i can ..

i know i sound like a loner and pathetic ..
but what can i do?
i just love him so much!

to my 1st love, Do Kyungsoo:

annyeong~i'm sure you will never read this .. even though i never met you for real, i just wanna say i love you so much .. how i wished you can be mine .. but i know it's impossible .. we're two worlds apart!you and me can never be one .. but i'll always support you from afar .. you asked me what is love?to me, you are LOVE .. you are the only one who've made me feel like this .. i can't believe i'll actually fall in love for a guy who i know i can never have!but what can i do?feelings can't be forced .. i'll try to erase this feelings towards you .. i'll always be your #1 fan!!fighting~~~!!

lots of love from Malaysia,
lina nazihah


Congrats, Anis ^^

unnie bru bce your blog post ..
sorry for the late congrats ..
i told you that your opportunity will come ..
and here it is ..
science & maths .. even unnie lg low dr awk :'(

anyway, good luck with your new campus life :)
hati2 blaja dkat Sri Iskandar tu ..
there's something about that place that you don't know .. muehehe >:D


Thursday 6 December 2012

Happy Graduation!

Pd 3 Dis 2012 bsamaan hari isnin yg lalu, my big sis, Lina Nabihah, telah officially seorg graduan UiTM Diploma in Business Management. kitorg bgun as early as 5AM sbb nk elakkn jam by the time smpai Shah Alam!sumpah ngantuk!dh laa 2 org jee yg bole msuk :'( ak and adik2 bwh ak tcongok kat khemah dr pkul 7.30 smpai 11 pg nk tggu istiadat konvokesyen die habis!time tgh tggu tu smpat jgak laa mcj2 dgn my dongsaengie, Raja Anis Munirah .. LOL xD walopun ade incident yg jdi, but luckily everything turned out fine :) bangge dowh bile die sbut "Penerima Anugerah Naib Canselor, Lina Nabihah Binti Anuar"! *sbb nme kkak ak lbih kurang jee dgn ak!* dkat screen tv kluar nme die with 3 stars!sume org tepuk .. bangge ak tgk kkak ak dpt ovation dr org lain!die buatkn ak bsemangat nk score gempak2 time degree nnt :)

time for some pics!!

 this is my sis :) the 1st receiver of Vice Chancellor Award from our family .. she struck the Dean's List for 6 semesters a.k.a EVERY SEMESTER during her 3-year diploma program!the bouquet is sponsored by my dad, the mug with a bear is by my aunt and her scarf is MINE!kekeke >.<

nie pulak my 2nd sis :) yeah, she looks so different and younger than me!got that a lot .. LOL xD she's just finished her study in Diploma in Information Management at UiTM Merbok, Kedah. Die amek berkat utk graduation die later next year .. i'm gonna continue my degree with her!!!*terase awesome sbb smbung degree skali dgn kkak2*

and that's me!*tdung huduh skit .. tetibe buat hal!* sbb i'm a foundation student, so no convo for me T.T so i took my sis' robe and wore it as if it's my graduation day!LOL xD selempang pink tu hnye dipakai oleh students yg dpt ANC .. *pdahal abes asasi dlu pointer ckup2 mkn jee!* hopefully ak pun bole dpt anugerah mcm nie bile ak abes degree nnt :) Amin~

and lastly,

this is my family + my aunt's .. mak cik yg pling ak syg .. she's the one who took the role of a mother after my mom passed away .. die always help us with anything since kitorg x bpe pndai sgt bab2 prempuan nie .. LOL XD *cmni laa idop dgn bapa yg bstatus duda beranak 6* super duper syg my aunt, Siti Meriam Binti Idris and her whole family :) *anak2 prempuan die 2 org mrupekn cousins yg pling ak syg!*

my mom passed away when i was almost 12 .. 14/01/2005 .. tarikh yg x mungkin ak lupe smpai bile2 .. on 1.15 AM, my mom breathed her last breath in front of my eyes on the bed at our home. i was sad .. super sad!i was preparing for my UPSR during that year .. it was hard!mcm2 dugaan yg dtg .. sometimes, we only ate sandwich for a month bcoz my dad took no pay leave to take care of us. ye, mmg ak sgt famous dgn msalah suke x buat keje skolah .. but in the end, i managed to score straight As for my UPSR and it shook the whole school! *seriously, no lie!* that's why some people sgt respect my dad. he managed to raise 6 children on his own .. my dad ckp he won't get married anymore, which made people even more salute die!

even though my dad x ckp, i know die sgt2 proud of us!ak ingat lg dlu ayah ak knalkn ak kat kwn die .. his expression full with proud bile die ckp ak smbung asasi at UiTM Shah Alam .. it's bcoz my course susa nk dpt .. kne interview tuh!and more, x sume bole dpt asasi .. to be very honest, my siblings sume matang lg cpt dr usia :)

to my sis:

congrats on your graduation!ko buatkn kitorg sume bngge .. i believe ayah sgt2 bngge bile die citer kat kwn2 die psal achievements kite sume, especially you .. mcm yg kite sume sdar, we are slightly different from other kids .. most of them still ade family yg complete to support them .. but we lost our loved one when we're so young .. but we manage to pull through and succeed with our exams :) keep up with your excellent achievements and always be the one who inspires us!fighting~~~~!!

p/s: sorry pnjang skit :p


Monday 3 December 2012



he/she is an EXOstan .. but only ship EXO11!this bitch HATES KYUNGSOO!!
i know i shouldn't be bothered with antis and haters ..
but i can't just close my eyes when it comes to my baby Kyungsoo ..
he/she calls D.O. "kyungshit" and it really pisses me off!!
more, this spiteful creature said my baby DO KYUNGSOO is useless and ugly!


i only say this once and DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MY WORDS AGAIN!!

to THE bitch:

i really hope that you'll find this post .. i dedicated this entry SPECIALLY for you!be proud of it!i just wanna say few things:

1. don't ever talk bad about my boy!
2. he's pure beauty .. no need for surgery, you blind dimwitted bitch!!
3. he's as important as the others to!
4. he's super perfect!he can sing, dance, rap, beatbox and even cook!
5. if you hate him, then stay away from the rest of EXO!it would be a HUGE embarrassment and disgrace for EXO to have a fan like you!
6. keep the hate to yourself and fuck off from #TeamExotics!!
7. better keep the warnings in your tiny little stupid brain or you'll see how i can ruin your image!


Saturday 1 December 2012

my MAMA 2012 moments!


smlm mrupekn antara mlm yg pling unforgettable to me ..
time some kpoppers tgk via streaming kat computer, ak dgn sronoknye tgk kat tv on channel M 181!
ak tgk muke2 EXO like in freakin' HD!
even though lmbat 5 mnit .. hahaha
many unexpected things yg jdi at Mnet Asia Music Awards a.k.a MAMA

1. EXO-K vs B.A.P for Best New Artist Male, who wins??

and the answer is .... BUSKER BUSKER!!LOLOLOL~~~mule2 ak agak mental breakdown laa tgk result die .. like OMG!totally unexpected!punye laa BABYS and EXOTICS gado2 bgai .. skali BUSKER BUSKER yg mnang!


2. EXO's special stage performance

their performances are like THE BEST!!!EXO-K & EXO-M wore red and black to show their contrast!
the theme, time travelling!!!!

start dr EXO perform MAMA (LOL xD perform MAMA on MAMA stage!!) .. dgn kehenseman tahap mlampau dr dorg, start from EXO-M and trus direct to dance break and face off!mule2 ak bengang gak laa dorg potong lgu tuh .. skali ade surprise lg!

THEY PERFORMED H.O.T'S WARRIOR DESCENDANT!!tribute for drama Reply 1997 :) after all, they are travelling time kn??hahaha xD


Mirotic crew: Kris, Kai, Sehun, Tao, Xiumin & Baekhyun (Baekhyun's high note!!asdfghjkl....!!!!)
Lucifer crew: Chanyeol, D.O., Suho, Lay, Luhan & Chen (Chen's version: Her whisper is the Lushifer LOL~)

totally mind blowingly awesome these performances!! *arghhh!can't stop fangirling!!*

3. Fanwars

mcm yg ak dh habaq kat ats nie, EXO-K and B.A.P due2 x mnang .. but B.A.P dpt Mnet PD's Choice Award .. well, better than nothing laa kn ..

at first, ak seriously ingat EXO-K x mnang ape2 .. skali ade plak satu award bname 'Best New Asian Artist' award .. and EXO won it!not as 6, but as OT12!!the best moment EVER!! xD

so proud of my boys T.T 1 planet, 2 sub units, 1 mini album, 3 MVs, 6 songs and no comeback .. but managed to get 4 awards in their palms!how i can be not proud of that??!!

so i hope the fanwars will come to an end and let's live happilly at Planet Matoki and EXOPLANET :)

4. Just EXO

seriously i can't take my eyes of them .. even there's Suju, SHINee and Big Bang in front of them, my boys are so shining that i can only see them T.T on the red carpet, they really fitted Into Your World (Angel)'s concept .. in the white suits, they're like the HOTTEST at the award!and more, i can't take my eyes over him, Park Chanyeol ..

he looks super cute and adorable!the best dresser among EXO members! >.< (sorry my beau D.O.)

all in all, this is the best MAMA i've EVER watched!and the highlight, of course EXO's special stage!!\\

the upper one during EXO-M won the rookie award back in China. The lower pic is during MAMA 2012 in Hong Kong! xD

sexy Baekkie with his beautiful fingers performing 'Mirotic'!


Wednesday 28 November 2012

Goo Hara's Secret Love, Yang Yoseob's Caffeine & Nicole's Lost

1. Goo Hara's Secret Love

okay, ak bru prasan lgu nie sbnrnye .. hahaha xD lgu nie sort of revenge from Hara to her boyfriend, BEAST's Junhyung (p/s: ini imaginasi blogger shj!) nnt later, korg tgk MV Caffeine and korg akn pham why ak ckp mcm nie .. bg ak, Hara seriously x bole nyanyi .. but lgu nie not bad laa .. cute and totally style yg ak suke (for girl group laa) .. even better, the hottest guy among k-idols is here in the MV!!x lain x bukan ialah, ZE:A's Im Siwan!!super hensem budak nie .. kekeke >.< tgk die mnari kat ending MV nie .. alahai, comel banget~~~

All in all, double thumbs up for the song and MV!

2. Yang Yoseob's Caffeine

after Kim Sung Kyu with 60 seconds .. this guy is the 2nd idol yg gerak solo .. skit bio psal die:

name: Yang Yoseob
hangul: 양요섭
position: main vocalist and the 1st soloist from BEAST (c'mon, get a life kalo korg x knal BEAST!)
nickname: fake maknae, thomas (nie je yg ak taw!)

time MV nie kluar, #TeamBiniBiniYoseob sume stok mroyan sbb die pnye kiss scene!prasaan nk baling cawan kopi btubi2 kat die sgt bkobar2 dlm hati .. LOL xD tp lgu nie dpt review yg super duper baik!reasons:

1. lgu nie written by Yong Junhyung @ Joker, BEAST's rapper and the richest member!
2. MV yg buat kite rse nk tgelak sbb tgk die gado mcm budak 5 taun mrah x dpt candies .. LOL xD (he's 90-line FYI!)

dlm MV nie, junhyung pun semak2 skali nk 'lovey dovey' dgn pompuan lain which leads to Hara's Secret Love .. Hara pun sebok laa 'lovey dovey' dgn Siwan .. kekeke >.< (reminder: ini just IMAGINASI blogger!) .. ak mmg always Yoseobbie's voice lover!suare die mmg one in a million :)

3. Nicole's Lost

okay, lgu nie sumpah best gilee!double thumbs up + adek ak pnye skali!LOLOLOL~sgt sexy and sad .. Jong Suk pun ade!!kyaaahhhhhh~~ *fangirling mode* sweet gilee evn though ending die sedih .. but ak x pham .. why state 'feat 2AM Jinwoon' if die skdr mcm suare back up jee??x stand out pun Jinwoon pnye suare .. kan best kalo MV nie feat Jinwoon and main actor Key??hahaha .. but Key is too busy with SMTOWN and Japan promotions T.T

Overall, ak recommend 3 lgu nie utk korg!enjoy~~~


Monday 26 November 2012

to Raja Anis Munirah who i love so much ..

unnie dpt mcj awk .. tp sorry, x de kedit nk bls ..

thank you sgt2 for comforting me ..
you always there when i have no one to lay on ..
even though kite knal through online and never met yet ..
but i feel a very strong connection between us ..
unnie bsyukur sgt2 sbb dpt knal dgn anis ..
i don't know what will i be if i haven't known you ..
you're the best online dongsaeng i've ever had in my life ..
thank you for existing and always there for me ..

smoge friendship kite kekal smpai Al-Jannah :)


Friday 23 November 2012


YES!better known as 'TWITLIMIT' ..
this is the 5th time i've been jailed by Twitter since i use it on 23rd Sept 2011 ..
even better, all the 5 times are bcoz of this one particular reason:

YES!these hot, derpy 12 aliens from EXOPLANET!
and tonight, my reason is bcoz of this one guy ..


cr: chan10 (thank you for capturing this beautiful image T.T)

he's like so FREAKIN' cute!!!even though my afie unnie a.k.a Chanyeol waifu said 'bese2 jee die ari nie', but he looks extraordinary to me today .. i hope he won't take Kyungsoo's place on my bias list!kekeke xD i spent about 85% of my tweets today on him!LOLOLOL~~

to EXO stylist:

don't you dare to change their hairstyles!just pay extra care on Kai's DISASTROUS HAIR!!


Thursday 22 November 2012

you know you're an EXOtics when .. (Part 1)

1. Spaghetti

normal people: it's a dish from Italy!
EXOtics: awww~how i wished this is kimchi spaghetti cooked by Kyungsoo :(

2. Pororo

normal people: kyaaahhh~pororo da!!
EXOtics: kyaaahhh~D.Ororo da!!

3. Rubik's cube

normal people: it's just a DAMN cube that causes headache to us!
EXOtics: Luhannie!!! XD

4. Bacon

normal people: it's that meat thingy that American eats for breakfast ..
EXOtics: Byun Baekhyun!!

5. Dragon

normal people: it doesn't exist!
EXOtics: Kris!i can fly~~

6. Kung Fu Panda

normal people: that movie was AWESOME!!
EXOtics: Tao!!bbuing bbuing~~


normal people: it's an unknown planet ..
EXOtics: it's an unknown planet with 12 hot guys living in it!

8. Oh Kwang Rok

normal people: isn't he a Korean actor??
EXOtics: Kyungsoo and Baekhyunnie!! "ahhh~it's cold!"

9. LOL

normal people: that's effin' funny!LOL XD
EXOtics: hakhakhakhak XD RLAB!!

10. 'S'

normal people: She sells seashell on a seashore ..
EXOtics: The thells thethsell on a theathsore ..

my new project: fanfiction!

i'm thinking of re-writing a fanfic again ..
i already had some ideas in my book ..
i even has finished one fanfic ..
but i lost it somewhere in my room :'(
so when i find the book, i'll let you guys know how it's gonna be ..

btw, fanfiction is sort of a story made by fans with their biases/ favorite idol as the characters :) just like a novel .. but shorter and more awesome!


Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Best Blog Post I've EVER Read! : Why Israel Attacked Palestine

*this is VERY important to Muslims!*

i suppose EVERYONE knows that Gaza is under attack by the Zionists Israel.
i was heartbroken and sad watching my relatives there suffering.
all i can do is praying for their safety and freedom from Israel.

but today, the world has been shocked that masjid Al-Aqsa has been surrounded by the Zionists.
if the mosque collapses, the end of the world is near ..
so i hope all my Muslims friend will read the blog entry below to go further about this matter ..

last but not least, may Allah protect the people of Gaza and curse the Israeli and their followers!
Amin ..


Monday 19 November 2012

SHINee handbanner by @onyuxccy

ak dpt bnde nie lps dh korbankn wktu tido ak few weeks ago ..
mule2 ak kcewa sbb x dpt ..
skali kpop strom cancel, dorg decide nk bg for free ..
ak akn pkai handbanner nie bile tgk SWC II in Malaysia next year :)

lawa, kn???suke sgt2 dgn handbanner nie ..
currently ak dh ade Teen TOP and SHINee ..
nnt nk kumpul yg lain plak!
ntah bile laa ak nk dpt Infinite and EXO pnye .. huuuuu~


60 Seconds with Kim Sungkyu and Kim Myungsoo

akhirnye, MV solo Granpa Gyu dh kluar!!!!

kekeke xD nie MV tsebut:

thank you Woollim sajang-nim sbb release MV nie!

simple briefing if ade yg x taw spe pak cik gyu nie :

name: Kim Sunggyu
hangul: 김성규
nickname: granpa gyu, bottom gyu, patient gyu, hamster etc. (byk sgt .. x larat nk tulis)

1. he's the leader of one of the best Kpop group, Infinite. (don't be too lazy to search for Infinite)
2. he has the SMALLEST eyes among idols .. kekeke xD
3. twitter beliau ialah @kyuzizi .. kalo ade yg ter'fall in love' dgn die, bole laa follow yee :)

MV kat atas nie tjuk die '60 Seconds' or '60 초' dlm Korean .. 

MV nie best gilee sbb:

1. hamster gyu nmpak hot gilee ngan rmbut merah beliau yg mnyerlah x ingat tuh~
2. L sgt ensem dlm MV nie walopun die all black .. (even payung pun itam -.-;)
3. perlu reason lg ke??MV nie mmg awesome sgt2!hahaha xD

walopun ade #TeamBiniBiniMyungsoo and #TeamInspiritGila mngalami 'menbung' tahap mlampau sbb Myungsoo kiss pipi minah tuh, tp ak still enjoy MV nie .. mnagis jgak laa skejap .. haha .. tp mmandangkn ak bukan #TeamBiniBiniMyungsoo, ak pun cool je laa .. heuheuheu~~ *pdhal dlm kpale dh tarik2 rmbut minah tuh smpai botak!!*

anyway, lgu nie sgt baik utk kesihatan bg sesape yg tgh frust or putus chenta kat luar tu ..
hayati lgu nie and for sure korg mnangis punye laa ..
x pham hamster nie ckp pe??
plz rajin2kn dri crik english translate die yee :)

btw, ak x dgr lg lgu2 yg lain dlm 'Another Me' .. so jgn tnye yee .. hihihi :3



i'm semi-hiatus from blogging for a while ..
this DAMN thing is really hard to edit!
so i'll ask my lovely dongsaengie, ieyra, to edit my blog ..
ieyra, hang pi tukaq laa sume bnde yg aneh2 kat blog nie ..
i give you my full trust :)


Wednesday 3 October 2012

khas utk korg :)

td ak tolong btulkn karangan adek ak .. tjuk essay die 'the person who had a great influence in your life', die buat psal kwn die .. tetibe ak tringat kat korg :)

hari tu kat twitter ade trending #ThingsIWantToSayToMyFriends (kot .. ak x ingat laa .. lbihkurang je laa ayat die ..)
twitter tuh limited sgt .. x bole nk tulis pnjang2 ..

Message to my friends:

Korg, ak nie mmg laa rmai kwn .. tp x sume special cam korg .. why??walopun kite satu dorm staun jee kat teknik dlu (except farabeela yee ..), byk knangan manis ak ngan korg .. msti korg ingat lg sume keje2 jhat yg kite buat dlu .. hahaha ..

Even though kite dh gi laluan yg bbeza, ak bharap sgt kite stay as best friends smpai bile2 ..
nk tmbah skit lg .. AKU RINDU KORG SGT2!!NNT KITE HANG OUT SME2 YEE~~ :)

p/s: ak mmg ade buat essay psal korg .. nnt ak post kat blog ak :D


Friday 27 July 2012

Tomorrow is 28th July ..

EXO is in Thailand for a fanmeeting!

Thailand EXOTICS would be like..


me in Malaysia...


but i have my MUET test tomorrow at Teknik Gombak .. so EXO, plz get out of my head for a while!

heeee~Thailand EXOTICS .. enjoy!while me ..



Wednesday 20 June 2012

once a hater, always a hater!

i found this when i was trolling at Google!

urmm .. serioulsy bitch?!don't you dare to be Suju's fan if you hate EXO!just get the fuck off away from SM artists!Suju will freakin' HATE you to be their fan!

well, i'm sorry that he's HOT!!and you're just a whore!

if you hate EXO, just get the fuck off and search for something known as .. LIFE!!

but as always, EXO fans' answers would be:



Tuesday 19 June 2012

the family that i loved :)

while i was trolling on my lovely aunt's FB account (sorry mama :P) i found some old pictures of my family .. let me show you guys ..

i don't remember the photos' occasions though .. =.="

i'm the one in red with that BIG EYES O__O (D.O style!!) i'm cute, right??kekeke .. there's my cousins, which are Kak Qila, Atiqa, Abg Apit and Qamareena, and my sisters, Bella and Bebe. hee~i don't know how old i am that time!but what's for sure, I'M CUTE!!

i'm the baby!!kekeke XD my late mom is the one in red scarf .. awww!i missed her so much :'( somebody was celebrating his/her 2nd birthday .. well, i guess it's me!

i think this was taken during my aunt's wedding (auntie noor) .. i'm not sure who's the boy is .. but i can tell who's those cute flower girls!from left: my eldest sister, Kak Ina, Kak Qila and Kak Erin .. the girl in the middle is veeeee~rrryyy white!the 'baekgu' in our family .. kekeke XD

this was taken during our family vacation at .... i don't know where =.=" .. but it's in Malaysia for sure!my late mom was the one who was holding the camera .. she was pregnant my younger brother during that time .. ithink!aigoo~Bebe (my younger sister) looked so ... SMALL!!and Bella (my elder sister) looked so .. HYPER!!

this is my uncle .. he was hugged by his children, Abg Ijat, Abg Apit and Kak Qila .. i call him as 'Papa' since i call his wife 'Mama' .. kekeke XD he really loves kids!

this was during my cousin's birthday .. i can see Kak Ina, Bella and my grandmother, Datin Asiah (well, according to my aunt!) .. heee~i think they were celebrating Abg Apit's birthday .. and Bella's too!their birth date is the same .. 5/9 ..

this is Sezali's children picture .. the girl who has the eye-smile and dimple is NOT a Chinese!she's a Malay .. aww~~they're so cute and pretty in this picture .. hakhakhak XD

this was taken during Father's Day a few years ago .. i can see my late grandfather in this picture :) what a happy family ...

this is my cousins!!well, not all of them .. we're having a bowling tournament which i lost TERRIBLY!!it was why i hate bowling .. UNTIL NOW!kekeke .. we're wearing black and white during that day .. it's a beautiful memory .. but the tournament .. NIGHTMARE!!

i only have these so far .. i'll ask my aunt if she has a picture of our BIG family .. hee~i love you all!!!

p/s: sori mama!amek without your permission .. kekeke XD


Monday 18 June 2012

my other obsession .. aside from KPOP!

i am SO ADDICTED TO KPOP!but i also addicted to something else ..

my family called me and my sisters' bedroom as 'Library' .. you'll see why :)


yes!i really like to read novels .. but these are only 2/3 from our collection!my late mom loved to buy novels .. after she left us, we decided to continue her 'legacy' and collect lots of it!hee~


COMICS!!!!we all LOVE COMICS!!!!we used to have lots of it .. but after some IRRESPONSIBLE people borrowed them, some of those were DAMAGED and even worse, LOST!!!only these survived in this cruel world .. kekeke XD

i have more obsessions actually .. but i'll save it for later!ppyong~!


My Father's Day Celebration ..

Yesterday, we celebrated Father's Day!but it's not happening at all bcoz my 2nd sis wasn't there, my makdongie bro was sleepy and 3 of us (me, my yeodongsaeng and namdongsaeng) were quite unhappy yesterday ..

even so, we still happy bcoz my dad did not EXPECT that we'll be celebrating Father's Day with him!

this is my hero:

he's quite different from me, right???i'm more to my late mom's side :)

we just had a veeee~rrryyyy simple event .. but my dad was very happy :D

we just had a tiramisu cake and KFC .. heee~

and this is my father's response:

my father had gone through a hard time raising us, 6 children, by himself ..
i still remember how he had to go here and there to feed us ..
that's why i'll try not to ask him for money bcoz i know it's hard for him to get it ..

my mom passed away when i was 12 ..
i was about to take my UPSR examination that year ..
but thanks to him, i managed to go through my sadness ..
i got straight 'A's for my UPSR ..
my father was very happy for my achievement ..

however, i always makes him angry ..
i know i'm quite stubborn and hard headed ..
but it's me who i can't change in a short time ..
i took after you, i think :)

my aunt told me once that she asked my dad why he didn't let me go to tuition classes ..
he said, "Azie jnis yg steady dgn study die .. die main2 ke, x blaja ke .. result die still bgus!".
i'm so proud when he said that!
i guess i'm just lucky when it comes to studying :)

Message to Ayah:

"Ayah, Azie nk ckp thanks sgt2 sbb jage kitorg baik2 .. you've been through a hard time in these past 7 years .. even though we grew up without a mother's love, but you always there to fill the emptiness left by umie .. i know that we always do wrong things and make you angry, especially me .. i guess we are not ready to be matured yet :P i hope you'll success with your life and please don't leave us .. how can we live without you?i can't imagine even a day without you by our side!always happy and keep smiling .. thank you and i love you forever :)"

(note: my family call me 'Azie' bcoz there's 4 Lina in my house!)


Saturday 16 June 2012


aku bru jee nk post something kat blog nie .. skali lappy buat hal!eee .. ak jual kang!tp syg sgt sme my lappy!penat ak study utk SPM sbb nk lappy sndri .. huuu~~~cmne laa ak nk idop x tgk EXO??!!seksanyeee!!!


you guys should know something about my posts:

1. There'll be A LOT OF kpop posts!
2. I use English the most ..
3. There'll be Malay posts too .. or mixed!how can i forget my mother tongue??!!
4. This blog is also like a diary to me .. it means so much to me!
5. If you feel unsatisfied about any of my posts feel free to leave a comment!i'll prepare myself to 'debate' with you :)




it is said that the battle for '2012 Best Rookie Award' will be a tight battle between EXO and B.A.P!

well, i'm a HUGE fan of EXO!so i'll definitely choose EXO over B.A.P ..
i do listen to B.A.P songs, but they're lacking 2% on my opinion ..
i'm not criticizing B.A.P .. SERIOUSLY!!
their music doesn't match my own liking ..
i knew Bang Yong Guk before he debuted as a solo, then along with Zelo and then, B.A.P ..
he's a FREAKIN' hot stalker in Song Jieun's 'Going Crazy'!
his song featuring Yoseop 'I Remember' is so HOT!!
the song 'Never Give Up' is really cheerful and spirit-boosting ..
my lecturers enjoyed a dance cover of 'Warrior' by one of my campus mates on our faculty dinner!

but, EXO has something that i've been looking for ..
talent, face and humor sense ..

you can keep on supporting B.A.P ..
but plz, stop saying EXO is not talented ..
they've trained so hard for 1-7 years ..
lately, there's not much 3rd generation idol who went through a long training period ..
can you imagine their pain going through the hard training and seeing their practice room members debuted before them??
Kris and Lay were separated from their families for 4 years ..
do you expect them to hear these things after what they've sacrificed??
Suho sacrificed his teenage moments as he became a trainee when he's 15 ..
he was a great student in his school .. but he sacrificed all that bcoz of his dream ..
Kai is Taemin's best friend .. i bet he's happy when Taemin debuted as a SHINee member!but do you think about what he felt inside?
Tao separated from his family for a year ..
it's a short period .. but he's 18 at that time!and he's from Qingdao, China .. which is FAR from Korea!
he came to Korea with ZERO knowledge about Hangul .. he trained hard and learnt Hangul in a year to survive there!can you imagine how he feels??
plz .. if you're not a fan of them, that's fine!
but plz think about how they feel ..
put yourself in their shoes .. will you feel the same??

EXO and B.A.P have the same dream ..
to be the best KPOP artist in the world!
we, as fans .. should support them!
i'm not a fan of some groups ..
but i never hated them!
i listened to all KPOP songs ..
is it so hard to support all of them??
they're from KPOP industry too ..

i hope i'll NEVER, EVER again hear things such as fanwars!
i don't understand how they can hate each other ..
ELFs, don't to feel sorry to Lee Teuk who had to apologize over and over again bcoz of you??
SONEs, do you like to see Taeyeon cries bcoz of fanwars??
(note: i'm referring to ONLY some ELFs and SONEs)
for crying out loud, they're one family!!
do you want the nightmare of Dream Concert 2008 to be repeated again??
KMW at Google, why do you must blame Lee Teuk??
he's just doing what the producers asked him to!

KPOP haters have started to bash KPOP EVERYWHERE!
we, as a true KPOPer, should stay together to protect KPOP ..
KPOP haters will never stop ..
but i'm wondering ..
will fanwars between KPOPers will EVER stop too??


why you should love EXO ..

i found out that many people hate EXO ..

some of the reasons:

1. they sucks
2. they're too overrated
3. they're talentless

well, as an EXO fan .. i've came out with several reasons why you should love EXO:

1. they're VERY talented!there's dancer line, rapper line and vocal line .. and all of them are AWESOME!

Dancer line:
- consist of Kai, Sehun, Lay, Luhan and Xiumin.
- Kai has learnt various types of dance such as jazz, ballet and pop ..
- Lay once replaced Jonghyun in SHINee 1st Concert in Tokyo .. he danced all Jonghyun's parts!

Rapper line:
- consist Tao, Xiumin, Kris, Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun.
- Tao has won many rap competitions before.
- Chanyeol and Kris have a deep voice which is very suitable for rapping parts!

Vocal line:
- consist of D.O, Baekhyun, Chen, Luhan, Xiumin, Lay and others (basically, almost ALL of them are vocalists in EXO)
- Chen and Xiumin are casted after they topped a singing competition.
- Luhan is quite dramatic .. he's street-casted!so cool~!
- D.O's voice is quite similar to TVXQ's Changmin .. (believe me, it's ALMOST the same!)
-Baekhyun and Chen have a nice high-pitched voice!

2. there are members who can play instruments

- Kris and Chanyeol can play more than one instruments.
- Lay is pretty good with guitar.
- Baekhyun can play the piano .. (which explains his beautiful fingers!)

3. some of the members can compose songs

- Lay is famous with his self-composed song, 'Airport Tears'.
- D.O likes to interpret lyrics.

4. they can dance REALLY well!one of the members, Kai, has been acknowledged by one of the best choreographers from Korea as the best dancer among KPOP artists. After all, SM is the home of several KPOP best dancers such as Eunhyuk (Super Junior), Hyoyeon (SNSD), Taemin (SHINee) and U-Know Yunho (TVXQ) .. Taemin and Kai is like BFF!!

5. They're famous even before their debut!they debuted officially on 8th April 2012 (which is Jonghyun's birthday >.<). but, they've released 23 teasers to show off their talents in 100 days. HOWEVER, i already knew them EVEN before!during they are codenamed as M1 and M2 ..

6. They've trained for 7-1 years in range. it took 7 years to put all of them as the best in EXO!there's EVEN people who got in SM first before some of SM artists who had debuted before them!

7. They're so freakin' popular!you can see their fans (including me!) trolling at tumblr, fb, twitter and even wikipedia!

8. Undeniably, they're so HANDSOME!!!usually, there's must be someone who lacks in terms of look in a group .. but in EXO, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to find a bias!

9. They're acknowledge as the group with the best debut EVER in KPOP history!

10. Their mini album 'MAMA' was EVEN ranked top 10 on Billboard World Chart just after it was released!until now, even after their goodbye stage .. their album still at top 20 on some charts :)

11. Their debut song, 'MAMA' was voted as 2nd best debut song after SHINee's 'Replay' by the fans around the world!

12. They have variety sense .. they seemed so shy during their 1st broadcast appearance .. now, they can be funny and cute!Baekhyun, D.O and Chanyeol have shown their talent in singing and imitating people!Sehun has made the noona fans fell for his 'bbuing bbuing' aegyo .. as for EXO-M, Kris has shown us his modelling talent, Luhan with Rubik's cube solving (which is SUPER HARD!) and Tao with his wushu skills!

13. They've worked with their seniors too!TTS' 'Twinkle' (Chanyeol, Kai, Sehun, baekhyun), SNSD's 'Genie' japan (Chanyeol), Super Junior's 'Attacks On Pin-Up Boys' (Suho), SHINee's 1st Concert (Lay), and SM Family Special Stage at SBS Gayo Daejun 2011 (Chen, Kai, Luhan, Tao). DB5K's HaHa Song (Kai, Chanyeol, Suho). EXO-M also cam to Super Show 4 at Indonesia as a guest!Super Junior loves EXO too much! >.<

14. They're more matured than their ages!they do volunteer works to show how they love their fans.Suho once said that they did voluntary work to pay back all the fans' love and kindness towards's a picture as a proof:

15. They're humble!they don't take the fans' love for granted .. they always do their best to show how they love their fans. they're the ONE and ONLY idol that i know who frequently posts and replies the messages at the fanboard .. that's why NEVER say nasty things about them bcoz they 'stalk' their fans on internet!

16. They're the ONLY rookie who performed outside Korea after their short debut period .. (in LA after a month, Taiwan after 2 months debut!)

17. They're the ONLY rookie who gets to perform at Dream Concert!which is just .. WOW!!

18. EXO-K even became a model for Calvin Klein Jeans .. BEFORE THEIR OFFICIAL DEBUT!

19. Sukira (Super Junior's Kiss The Radio) was #1 on top search on the night EXO-K's 1st radio broadcast!even i tuned in for THE FIRST TIME bcoz of them!but i don't understand a shit!! =.="

my EXO dongsaeng, Raja Anis Munirah also has come up with her reasons:

1) Their friendships/relationships/brotherhoods or whatsoever are so beautiful because eventhough some of them live in a different country, they still love and care about each other (especially hunhan :D)

2) Their fan service! Although they were being harassed by the fans, they still put a freaking smile on their faces! During fansigning events, their fanservice or shall I say 'fan love' towards the fans were amazing!

3) Their goofiness. You can see that goofiness from Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Xiumin already :) You just gotta love them! 

4) Also, you cannot resist their good looks (hotness) too right? >.< Even before they debuted, they look so adorable already ♥ There's a lot of pre-debut photos of them.
- Their relationships with their seniors are so great! The sunbaes will sometimes pay them a visit whenever they're practicing and gave them tips.. To top on that, Taemin is a best friend of Kai! XD
- The dances, the vocals and their images! What's not to love? Seriously!

i'll update more if i can come out with more reasons!i just wanna say one thing .. YOU WILL NOT REGRET LOVING EXO!


Miles To Go: Buat peminat atau anti K-pop

Miles To Go: Buat peminat atau anti K-pop: Salam semua.. Semenjak ni ramai je yang buat entry tentang k-pop,mungkin disebabkan kewujudan 2 kumpulan yang mendapat jolokan artis k-po...

sorry, aku KPOP ADDICT!

i found this on FB .. yes!he's an anti-KPOP!meh sini ak nk balas SATU PER SATU bahas ko!

1. you feel annoyed when some bloggers put songs on auto-play
- well, that's their choice!kalo ko x suke, gi jahanam laa ko!bsing plak!

2. you feel more annoyed when the auto-played songs are KPOP songs
- they just want to share their interest with you. is it wrong???

3. you said you're 'allergic' with KPOP songs
- WTF laa bro!wa x kaco lu punye favorite artists!

4. You're not jealous with their cuteness, but you're disgusted with it!
- mmpos ko laa, bro!ade ak kesa!well, i'm sorry that they're handsome and you're not!

5. their songs are not that good, their vocals are not as power as Amy Search, Awie Wings, Bruno Mars etc.
- everyone has their own preference!you don't have the right to judge KPOP like that!weii, bengap!cube ko imagine kalo Amy Search ngan Awie nyanyi lgu pop .. NIGHTMARE laa weih!ak mmg laa minat gilee nagn KPOP .. ingat ak x taw ke lgu2 Amy Search sume??gi karok ak tarik gak suare ak nyanyi Fantasia Bulan Madu ngan Sejati!walawei!skali ko kluar Bruno Mars .. Kyungsoo from EXO-K is a big fan of him taw!

6. You prefer listening to NASYID compared to KPOP
- perghh!ingat ak x dgr lgu2 nasyid???i grew up with nasyid songs!your argument is not valid!

7. You don't know why us, the Malay girls, like KPOP so much. You think we like them bcoz of their cuteness
- ko ingat kami nie bute seni ke??hello!sukati laa kitorg nk minat artis pe pon!kitorg minat sbb bakat .. they can dance, sing and compose songs as the Western artists too!kire bonus laa dorg ensem and cute .. bukan x nk minat artis local .. take a look at our local artists!prangai mngalahkn org barat .. GELI AK TGK, KO TAW??!!!

knape ak minat KPOP :

1. lgu2 dorg best and ikut trend.
2. dorg mnari .. smpai kitorg pun nk ikot (which is a good exercise to us!)
3. suare dorg .. BEST!ingat snang ke nk crik org yg bole nyanyi live + dance dlm mse yg sme??!!
4. dorg ensem or cute tu kire bonus laa ..
5. dorg jge adab .. mmg laa x sume .. but better than artist2 barat and maybe some of our local artists ..
6. language dorg lain dr kite .. ak bole ckp 3 language taw!ko ade???

and FYI, byk artis korea yg da debut kat Jepun, China and USA .. so x yah nk bengang2 ngan dorg sgt!

8. the fuck??!!you're using SHINee as the example photo!and you said they're 'BENGKOK'??
- DAFUQ laa, bro!ak pminat SHINee #1 taw!ko jgn brani ckp dorg 'bengkok'!FYI, dorg mmg laa rmai fans pompuan .. tp ade jee fanboys dorg!gamba yg ko pkai tuh time dorg umo belasan taun lg laa, bodo!mmg laa nmpak cute!nk tgk dorg yg skrg???

hah!dorg nmpak 'bengkok' ke dlm gamba nie??bukak mate ko besa2 .. tgk betol2!!ak mmg ckup pantang kalo org ktuk2 artis yg ak suke!

9. You saw some boys watch Korean drama on their fb status
- so what???!!weird??gay???ape .. drama korea plakon die binatang ke??mnusia gak laa weiyh!ingat x de artis korea yg blakon citer jepun??ak lyan jee sume drama .. even drama THAILAND pon ak tgk!adik ak minat gak drama korea, tegap jee!ensem lg die dr ko!rmai jee pompuan minat die .. you're too biased laa, bro!better keep it down or you'll die in KPOPers' hands!

10. You knew SNSD!
- DAFUQ???!!you said you hate KPOP, but yet you knew SNSD .. you like to see them bcoz they're pretty, right??!!so, sape ko nk judge kitorg kalo kitorg minat KPOP sbb dorg cute??!!cakap mcm cibai .. ade hati nk ckp org!FYI, the guys' picture that you said 'bengkok' tuh is Girls' Generation's junior!they're from the same company!

11. You really hate it when there's Malay group yg tiru style KPOP
- the ONE and ONLY thing that i agree with you!ak pon x suke tgk dorg tiru style KPOP!ewww!nk muntah 100 baldi pon x ckup!to me, no one can be like KPOP .. KPOP is VERY different!even Justin Bieber can't be like them! (sorry Beliebers)

p/s: yes, that's you thought!and this mine for you!ak pon x heran laa kalo ko mmg benci tahap gaban ngaan KPOP .. like you said, 'AKU TAK KACAU PUN MAKBAPAK KORANG' .. ko bole x ade manner skit??!!jgn nk libatkn mak bapak!kuang aja sgt nie pehal??!!pkir skit org yg x de mak bapak yg bace post ko!plz don't be too senseless .. ko ade otak, kn??tolong pkai yee .. jgn buat aksesori jee dlm kpale ko tuh!spe yg pkse ko minat KPOP??ko yg mnggelabah tlebih!blagak nk mati!kitorg x de mcanang "weyh!minat laa KPOP!best gileee .."!ade kitorg ckp cmtu kat ko??ayat mcm cibai!sblum ak sakit ati lg, baik ak ttup coretan ak kat sini!


Friday 15 June 2012



i like how they're together as ONE in these pictures ..

Message to EXO (they'll NEVER read it though!) :

"annyeonghaseyo, EXO!i'm a fan of yours from Malaysia .. i've known you guys since the codename M1/M2 .. but become a fan a month after your official debut .. you guys are AWESOME!perhaps one of the best groups in KPOP industries .. keep on doing a good work and work hard to achieve your dreams ... always love your fans and stay healthy!EXO, fighting!WE ARE ONE!EXO, saranghaja!!"